Hospital České Budějovice, Extension and Construction Modification of Pavilion CH, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

  • Statinio tipas:
  • Sveikatos apsauga
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The seven-storey extension and reconstruction of pavilion CH is part of reconstruction project of the hospital in České Budějovice. 

The aim of this part of the project is to modernize the workplace of surgical specialties and expand the capacity of the department, including increasing the facilities for both patients and medical staff.

Due to fact that the extension is connected to the existing building, it was necessary to use a construction system that allows the connection of existing floor structure to the new one whilst maintaining the same elevation levels. The solution with DELTABEAM® composite beams and prestressed hollow core panels, forming a small thickness slab without visible beams, met the prescribed technical requirements and, thanks to the flat ceiling, created space for HVAC systems and medical gases. A significant advantage of using a reinforced concrete composite structure with DELTABEAM® beams was the speed of construction.

Efektívny návrh stropných konštrukcií nemocnice v Českých Budějoviciach (cz)

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Projekto duomenys

37 000 m2
Aukštų skaičius:
Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s.
Sdružení Pavilon CH – OHL ŽS, a.s. – Metrostav, a.s.
Konstrukcinė dalis:
ASK project s.r.o., Ing. Lukáš Benda, Ing. Jaroslav Hejl
Architektūrinė dalis:
AGP NOVA, s.r.o.
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